How To Prime Your Kids for Kindergarten

From a very young age, children can absorb and process an amazing amount of information. They're always inquisitive and ready to learn, and parents can do a lot to help this process move along as they get ready for kindergarten. What can you do to make everyday life a fun learning experience and give your kids a head start before they head off to the new adventure?

Learning Machines

From the moment your children wake up to the moment they go to bed in the evening, they'll be faced with a number of learning opportunities. You can use these opportunities to help your children with basic mathematical concepts and language development to help them develop some understanding and express themselves.

Don't worry about being too advanced, and just introduce concepts informally and gently as you go along.

Making Comparisons

For example, you can help your kids understand sizing and comparisons. You can help them realise that one object is bigger than another, perhaps by putting some everyday things in order of size. Maybe they can identify two objects that are similar or that share the same colour or pattern.

Making Learning Fun

You can also help them to understand processes or timekeeping.

  • Ask them to help you in the kitchen as you prepare the evening meal. Do certain items have to be introduced into a recipe in order to make the food taste nice? Perhaps you can introduce this concept and ask them to place the items in order on the countertop.
  • As you head out to the shops, ask them to spot certain vehicles on the road. For example, they may be on the lookout for red buses.
  • Buy some fun games that are specifically designed to help with early learning.
  • If you don't want to shell out for those games at the moment, use everyday objects at home instead.
  • Gamify everyday tasks, such as laundry. Ask the kids to sort the dirty laundry into piles according to the laundry tub requirements.
  • Keep a calendar on the wall in the kitchen. Mark the day they will go to the kindergarten for the first time, and ask them to count down each day until that happens by crossing off the date on the calendar.

Making Final Preparations

As you can see, there are many ways to prepare your children as they prepare to head off to their first kindergarten program. You will want to ensure that they continue your good work and learn well in the care of experienced professionals. To be sure, reach out to these experts, and ask them to give you details about their specific kindergarten program.
