3 Ways That Preschool Helps Children Develop Emotional and Social Skills

Although preschool is not compulsory in Australia, it can help to prepare your child for the future in many ways. For instance, preschool can help to prepare your child academically and enable them to adjust to the responsibilities that come with being a student. But perhaps the most important benefit of preschool for a 3-year old is the emotional and social development they will experience.

While in preschool and mingling with other children as well as adults, a child will learn and develop many important emotional and social skills. If you aren't sure how your child might benefit from preschool, look at the following social and emotional benefits.

1. Better Relationship Building Skills

According to the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL), children who learn emotional skills can form positive relationships with others. In a preschool environment, just being around other young children and interacting with them helps a child to develop emotional skills.

The opportunity to interact with other children will help your child to identify emotions in others. They'll also learn to understand emotions both in others and themselves. This kind of learning can only come through exposure. And with a better understanding of emotions, your child will learn to develop positive relationships with those around him or her.

2. More Positive Frame of Mind

Emotionally healthy children are also more positive in general. Because they are free to express themselves, they enjoy working with others and sharing their feelings and thoughts openly. As a result, they'll be both more confident and more positive.

3. Better Self-regulation Skills

Between the ages of 3 and 5, children are still learning how to regulate their emotions. And without exposure to the outside world and children of their own age who have similar issues, children miss out on the opportunity to learn how best to express themselves in front of others.

For instance, young children often struggle to express their emotions to others in a manner that others understand. Emotions like anger and excitement, especially, can be challenging for a 3-year old to express in a healthy manner. But with the exposure that preschool brings, your child can steadily learn how to express themself and their emotions when around other children and adults.

Are you thinking of putting your child into preschool? Then consider how it will benefit them in an emotional and social way — not just in an academic way.

To learn more, contact a preschool near you.
